Pacifist Victors Tag

Five, who was a guest on Podcast #110, recently dinged 110 on his NE Rogue Pacifist named Fivecurmudgn. He started in June of last year and it took 303 days of grinding (a little over 9 days of /played time) to hit max level. When asked about his toon, Five mentioned several things. "The 1-60 bracket is mostly dailies, herbing, and mining. The 60-110 levels are very easy post-patch, in fact, if you can make it to 60, you’re golden. After...

Congratulations to Neverdied on becoming our fourth Pacifist Champion for Legion and our first ever Triple Crown Challenge Champion, reaching max level in the Iron, Blood Thirsty, and Pacifist Challenges! His Pacifist reached max level over the weekend, bringing his total number of max challengers for Legion to 10! Neverdiedpci reached max level with a /played of 5 days and 20 hours (318 days). He completed 804 quests, 539 of those being dailies. Neverdied said that he found Archaeology to...

A big congratulations to Shnuffletips for becoming only our third Pacifist Champion for Legion. This is Towny's first Pacifist Champion, however, he does have another one progressing very nicely. His /played was 15 days, 21 hours. Through all the levels he completed 2,243 quests, 1,936 of those were dailies and ended up with 69,000 gold! What is also unique here is that Shnuffletips is the first non-stealthing class to EVER complete the Pacifist Challenge; all other Pacifist Champions have been either Druids...

Announcing our 2nd Legion Pacifist champion: Ferre's Night Elf Druid Ferreilean! Ferre may also have the highest record for number of days to accomplish Legion max cap, coming in at 1,723 days since starting the toon back in March of 2013. When asked about this, Ferre said “Yes, I played it at my own pace, enjoyed the journey, and the changes that came with the expansions, etc. Every race needs a tortoise.” She has a total time played of 15d 9hr...

The concept of the Pacifist challenge was around since before WoW Challenges was a thing, however, it wasn't until we started that the challenge was truly tracked. Since that time we've had six characters that have come tantalizingly close to reaching the pinnacle but fell short with sometimes only as few as one kill. Some thought the challenge was literally impossible. Tânee and Bloodless proved them wrong. Tânee became our World First Pacifist hitting Level 100 with her Night Elf Rogue on May 18 2016...

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