Soulsnuffer Tag

Congratulations to Soulsnuffer on becoming our second Blood Thirsty challenger to reach level 60 in Shadowlands. This character's total /played time comes in at 21 days, 22 minutes. This character is an older Blood Thirsty that got caught up in the level squish. She previously had reached level 120 during Battle for Azeroth. Her approximate Shadowlands /played time to get from 50 to 60 was about 4 days, 18 hours. Nisey had previously reached max level during BfA with a total...

Congratulations to Soulsnuffer, our 5th BfA Champion on the Blood Thirsty Challenge! This is Nisey’s 4th Max level Blood Thirsty. The other three are a Demon Hunter (Soldmysoul), a Paladin (Soulshield) and a Dwarf Warlock (Soulstoned). She joined the list back in September of 2017, just about two months shy of being three years old real world time. The /played time on this one is 16 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 20 seconds. Nisey's leveling strategy - "I started out...

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