Working Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Contester on becoming our 2nd Battle for Azeroth Working Man Challenge champion! This was Ster's first attempt at the Working Man Challenge. If you couldn't tell by the name, Contestster came to be during the Winter's Veil Helpers Working Man leveling contest back in December of 2019. Even though the contest ended Ster kept chipping away at the levels working his fingers to the bone to reach max level in 95 days. "I tip my hat to Execute,...

Congratulations to Bluecollar, our first-ever Working Man Challenge Champion. Bluecollar is also the grand prize winner of our Winter's Veil Helpers Working Man leveling contest. Yes, you read that correctly. Eexecute created Bluecollar for this contest and reached max level before the end of the two-week event! In fact, it only took Eexecute 11 days and 22 hours, a /played time of 5 days and 22 hours to achieve. This is also the first time we've had a contest entrant...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
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  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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