
This week Winema joins the show as our guest! News- Allied Race Exception Quests Updated- Allied Races & Flag Resets- BlizzCon Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges WinemaDiscord: Winema#6879 LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar NiseyDiscord: Nisey(Knee-see)#4863Twitch: NiseyBGNTwitter: @NiseyBGN  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

Rogueslayer returns to recount all the things that have happened with her challengers since she was last on! News- API Update Issue Resolved- Con Before the Storm Announcement Soon- Volunteer Guard Day- Noblegarden- Children's Week Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges RogueslayerInstagram: @Rogueslayer1Twitter: @Rogueslayer1 LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

We have Xortz The Goblin with us this week. He tells us ALL about his challenge toons and his run as a Pacifist. News- 8.2 on PTR Soon- Mount Equipment in 8.2- Random Pages Changed (Added Random Zones) Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges XortzTwitch: XortzTheGoblinTwitter: @XortzTheGoblin LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

This week we're joined by Tiber AKA Tybur; he tells us about his challenge adventures and his discovery on what quest in Zul'Drak flagged his Pacifist! News- Darkmoon Faire- Addon Discord Channel- Killing Blow Requirement- Killing Blow Checks for Allied Races Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges TiberTwitch: Looking For Casuals: Live Wednesday nights @ 10pm Eastern at twitch.tv/jpalm316Twitter: @Tiber_WoW LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder:...

We have a super special April Fool's Day episode for you. Also we break open a bottle of 27 year old scotch to honour Tulli. News- Darkmoon Faire Soon™- Green Teams- State of the Challengers on the Front Page.- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

Once again, Leeta tells Stone to SHUT UP! She's such a meanie! News- Trial of Style- State of Challengers page update- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

We are joined by a newcomer this week: Haddley C tells us her experiences with the challenges so far. News- Patch 8.1.5 Surprise!- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Haddley CDiscord: HaddleyC#4550Email: haddleyc1@gmail.comInstagram: haddley_cTwitch: haddleycTwitter: @haddleyc LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

PS Duckie joins us as a guest this week and shares his Iron adventures. News- Patch 8.1.5 Reminder- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges PSDuckieTwitch: PSDuckie LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

Keithy joins us this week to share his tales of Relaxation, Jumbo BumBums, and some Crampy stuff. You've got to hear this! News- State of the Challengers webpage- Patch 8.1.5 Impact to Challengers- Darkmoon Faire (we mentioned it later on - whoops)- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Keithy1980Discord: https://discord.gg/CP5zT6eTwitch: Keithy1980Twitter: Keithy1980tv LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no...

This week we are joined by the most amazing person in the world: BoomBoomie. He's so great that a single Boom doesn't sum up what he has to offer. News- Love is in the Air- Walk to End ALS Fundraiser: http://als.wowchallenges.com Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallengesTwitter: @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges BoomBoomieEmail: BoomBoomieTM@gmail.comTwitch: BoomBoomieTwitter: BoomBoomieTM LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StoneGraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag.   ...

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