
This week we are joined by Asy. News - Dragonflight release dates for the US: Nov.28th, 3 pm / AUS Nov. 29th, 10 am AEST. - Winds of Wisdom buff is returning on Oct. 4th. Yes, this is allowed for all challengers since it can not be removed. - Congratulations to Irongru on becoming our 50th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! - Brewfest wraps up on Oct. 6th - Darkmoon Faire kicks off this weekend. - The Running of the Gnomes will take place on Sat. Oct. 8th...

This week we are joined by Nisey. News - Congratulations to Meanybeany on becoming our 6th Shadowlands Green Man champion! - Brewfest begins on Tuesday, Sept. 20th, and will wrap up on Oct. 6th - Two new Halloween designs are now available in our gear shop. - Spreadshirt Promo: Sept. 23rd through Sept. 26 for 20% off everything in our gear shop. - There will be no show next week. Our next show will be on Oct. 1st. - If anyone that signed up to be on...

This week we are joined by KhrysW. Contest Results The results are in for our Make Your Mark Iron Hunter leveling contest! Our 1st place winner of 2 months of game time is Asy! The winners of our runners up pet raffle are MrsRockGuru and Nisey! KhrysW will be in touch with all of you very soon to get your prizes sorted. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who participated! We had a great turnout! News - Harvest Festival starts on Tues. Sept. 6th -...

This week we are joined by Nisey. News - Darkmoon Faire starts this weekend and will run until Sept. 10th - Harvest Festival starts on Tues. Sept. 6th - Congratulations to Tidalsoul on becoming our 14th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty champion! - Just under a week left to go in our Make Your Mark Iron Hunter leveling contest! - If anyone that signed up to be on our test team for Dragonflight got into beta please let us know. Remember to keep checking as new beta invites...

This week we are joined by KhrysW to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the podcast! WoW Challenges 2022 Fashion Showcase We would like to thank everyone who sent in their challenger's fashion choices. It was lovely to see the different selections your toons made! Blood Thirsty Soulsurvivor (Nisey) My Blood Thirsty Soulsurvior didn't know what to do with the time she suddenly found on her hands with her journey currently done. So she decided to get back to her druid roots by clothing herself...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Andyhunter on reaching max level and becoming our 22nd Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion. - Congratulations to Asyg on reaching max level and becoming our 5th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Asyp on reaching max level and becoming our 23rd Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion! - WoW Challenges Fashion Show 2022 is back. For more details please see the post on our site. Screenshots must be sent in no later than Aug....

This NiseyBGN joins us! News - Congratulations to Asyw on reaching max level and becoming our 5th Shadowlands Working Man Challenge champion. - Congratulations to Soulglaive on reaching max level and becoming our 13th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Challenge champion. - Congratulations to Korvilon on getting his Tin Korvilon to max becoming our 3rd Shadowlands Tin champion. - Congratulations to Ferre on getting Ferrewynter to max level becoming our 6th Shadowlands Working Man champion. - Patch 9.2.7, the Auction House Patch, arrives Tues. Aug. 16th. - WoW Challenges...

Date: Aug.27 - Live on Ep.307 of the The WoW Challenges Podcast  Screenshots need to be submitted by August 25th 2022 Please send your submission to podcast@wowchallenges.com Open to US & EU regions Rules 1/ No transmogging of gear allowed.  No account wide use of any gear.  All gear must be obtained by the toon you’re submitting and must be currently equipped August 25th-28th.  2/ All gear must be equipped on a Lvl 10 or above toon. 3/ When you are submitting an entrant please make...

This week Asy joins us! News - Congratulations to Tiber on reaching max level with Celladon becoming our 2nd Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Xaya on reaching max level with Xayajelly becoming our 49th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Asy on reaching max level with Asygrn becoming our 3rd Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to David on reaching max level with Paycients becoming our 2nd Shadowlands Tin Man Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Miss D on reaching max...

This week we did not have a guest! News - Dragonflight alpha testing has begun. - If anyone that signed up to be on our test team for Dragonflight got into alpha please let us know. - If you are interested in being part of our Dragonflight alpha/beta testing teams please reach out ASAP. - A reminder to everyone that the Auction House Dance Party that will be taking place Friday, July 22 is not allowed for your challengers. Please use a different AH or...

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