WoW Challenges Podcast

This week Rogueslayer is back to update us on her challenge adventures! News- Hotfixes - Free Shipping on Spreadshirt July 13th - 17th - Shout out to Stone Happy Birthday! Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at RogueslayerInstagram: Twitter: @rogueslayer1 LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar NiseyDiscord: #Nisey4863Twitter: @NiseyBGNTwitch: NiseyBGN  ...

This week we are joined by Sephi! News- Darkmoon Faire - Mount Equipment- Working Man Challenge Profession Requirement Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at SephiDiscord: Sephi#3640Instagram: Twitter: @sephi1277Twitch: Youtube: LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar AwesometrousersDiscord: Awesometrousers#4338  ...

We're joined by Stone this week. He gets a few digs in at Leeta as he teases her with some of her favorite snacks, shares with us what he's been up lately, and officially hands things over to Leeta. News- Midsummer Fire Festival Ending Soon (July 5th)- New Working Man Challenge- Patience Please During Our Transition Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures...

We're joined by Frazley, host of Frazlcast this week. He shares with us how his challenge adventures are going so far. News- Midsummer Fire Festival- Level Squish Coming Soon Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at FrazleyDiscord: Frazley#1711 Email: Instagram: awesomegnome Podcast: Twitch: Twitter: Website: YouTube: LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar FerreDiscord: Mareel#4849  ...

We're joined by Eexecute this week. He tells us all about leveling Krahkknahr, how his current Iron Eexegigacute is doing and shares some excellent tips and tricks. News- Future of WoW Challenges: Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at EexecuteDiscord: Eexecute#7777Email: LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar KhrysWDiscord: KhrysW#4903Twitter: @ItsKhrysW ...

Ironically (we swear it was not planned), Ceraphus joins us this week for episode 169 to talk about all the hard work he puts in (and out) for Con Before the Storm. NewsDarkmoon Faire over this week.Midsummer Fire Festival soon. Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at CeraphusDiscord: CeraphusPodcast: The SunderingTwitch: CeraphusTwitter: CeraphusWebsite: / LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  ...

We are joined by none other than the impeccable 2Shankz: our only common-quality geared Blood Thirsty champion! NewsDarkmoon Faire this week Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at 2ShankzDiscord: 2Shankz#4681 XortzTwitter: @XortzTheGoblinTwitch: XortzTheGoblin LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth ...

We have our first Iron Elite call-in show! Asy, OnixHammer, and Khrys join us to share their recent challenge adventures. News- No news. Really. Nothing to really report on. Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag. ...

This week Moondaisy takes a break from her Great Sea Ray challenge to join us as our guest. News- Classic Challenges Update Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at MoondaisyTwitter: Moondaisy LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar SterDiscord: Geek Roguester#8322 StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer have a "CLEAN" tag. ...

Aliandras joins us to share her adventures and insights as a newcomer with the Iron challenge. News- Con Before the Storm (POWERED BY WOWHEAD!) Kickstarter!- Server Changes- 8.2 Raid Testing Heads Up! Contact InfoYou can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.comWe’re on @WoWChallengesDiscord server: discord.WoWChallenges.comCheck out the show on remember to come catch us LIVE at AliandrasTwitter: AliandrasKPodcasts: Dungeon Fables & All Things Azeroth Dungeon FablesSite: DungeonFables.comEmail: dungeonfables@gmail.comInstagram: DungeonFablesTwitter: DungeonFables All Things AzerothSite: AllThingsAzeroth.comTwitter: AllThingsAz LeetaTwitter: @LeetaWoWPodcasts: Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar StoneTwitter: @StonegraspPodcast: Adventures in Azeroth  Reminder: We no longer...

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