Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Gotashed on becoming our 30th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Gotashed's Iron Man journey took just over 474 days with a /played time of 10 days, 23 hours, and 38 minutes. Gotashed is Ash's first Iron Man challenger to reach max level this expansion and his 2nd level 60 Shadowlands challenger. His first Shadowlands max level challenger was his Pacifist Ashspaci. Ash told us his leveling path with Gotashed went as follows: "Old world until I got flight then dailies...

Congratulations to Sterfried on becoming our 29th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Sterfried's Iron Man run took approximately 21 days to complete. Sterfried is Ster's 13th max-level Iron Man and his 15th overall max-level challenger for this expansion. When we asked Ster about Sterfried's leveling path he said that he followed the same exact path as his other Iron Man champions did. He has written up a guide for that leveling path that can be found on our forums. We would like to...

Congratulations to Xayathauda on reaching max level and becoming our 28th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayathauda's Iron Man journey took just over 43 days to complete with a /played time of 1 day, 23 hours, and 13 minutes. Xayathauda is Xaya's 8th Shadowland's Iron Man champion and his 10th max level challenger across multiple challenges! His other champions include Xayarwinna, Xayaztra, and Xayaparo to name a few. Xaya chose to level Xayathauda as an Iron because he is on a quest...

Congratulations to Pallyster on reaching max level and becoming our 27th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Pallyster's journey took just over 30 days with a /played time of 4 days and 5 hours. Pallyster is Ster’s 12th max level Iron so far this expansion. His other max level Iron challengers are 4 rogues, 2 druids, and one each of monk, hunter, priest, mage, shaman, and now this paladin. Additionally, Ster also has a max level Pacifist and Working Man.  Ster has...

Congratulations to Xayavandre on becoming our 26th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayavandre's journey took just over 46 days with a /played time of 2 days, 3 hours, and 22 minutes. Xayavandre is Xaya's 7th max level Iron so far this expansion. His other max level Iron challengers are Xayasky, Xayarwinna, Xayatheria, Xayaztra, Xayarylin, and Xayaraylea. He's also reached max level with a Pacifist (Xayaparo) and a Tin Man (Xayarally). Xaya chose to play the Iron Man Challenge this time out because...

Congratulations to Asyy on becoming our 25th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Asyy's Iron journey took 15 days with a /played time of 3 days and 48 minutes. While Asy has had several max level challengers across different expansions, this is his first max level Iron of Shadowlands. Asy chose to play the Iron Man Challenge because he was bored with normal WoW and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Asy chose the following leveling path for challenger Asyy: "Stuck...

Congratulations to Shortster on reaching max level and becoming our 24th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! I rolled the Alliance Shaman mostly to prove that just about any Alliance toon can make it to max level in Shadowlands. But I don't recommend a Shaman, it was very difficult to level. The Shaman class has no decent crowd control, no way to escape combat other than running away, no stealth - it was rough. So had to play very conservatively relying on...

Congratulations to Ironbrue on becoming our 23rd Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Ironbrue's journey took just under 44 days with a /played time of 2 days and 22 hours. "This was my first retail max level, but also max leveled a Classic Ironman a good while ago, but I think you are still not tracking Classic. I have tried many times, mainly on hunters with varying success, highest were 112 (back when it was 120), and lately, 55 and 57 when...

Congratulations to Elfster on reaching max level and becoming our 22nd Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Ster decided to run a brand-new toon this past month to see how long a level 1 Alliance rogue would take to get to 60. Turns out, 21 days! And Xaya just did the same thing. Total played time was about 4 days. Want to get an Alliance toon to 60 in Shadowlands?!?! You can do it too. Ster has created a leveling guide for you....

Congratulations to Xayaraylea on becoming our 21st Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayaraylea's Iron Man journey took just over 21 days to complete with a /played time of 2 days, 7 hours, and 18 minutes. Xayaraylea is Xaya's 6th Iron champion for Shadowlands. His previous max-level Irons include Xayasky, Xayarwinna, Xayatheria, Xayaztra, and Xayarylin. He has also gotten a Pacifist, Xayaparo, and Tin, Xayarally, to level 60 as well. When we asked Xaya why he chose to go with the Iron Man...

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