Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Hanting for reaching max level and making him the 22nd Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion.  Hanting's journey was 7 days, 22 hrs, 14 min, 17 sec.  What race/class/spec did you choose to go with, and were there any specific reasons for that choice? Hanting said, "Because I've played Hunter for years now (even though lately not as a main anymore), and for the Ironman Challenge, it is one of the 'easier' ones to reach max level. I've tried...

Congratulations to Ironrodski for reaching max level and making her the 21st Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. Ironrodski's journey was 21 days, with a /played of 1 days, 3 hrs, 58 min, 10 sec. This is Ironrodski's first max level challenger.    Why did you choose this challenge to play? Ironrodski said, "I enjoy hardcore challenges and leveling." What race/class/spec did you choose to go with, and were there any specific reasons for that choice? "Undead/Hunter/BM, figured BM would be a safer...

Congratulations to Xayasia for reaching max level and making her the 20th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Xaya’s sixth Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. He also has two Pacifists, one Working Man and one Green Man.  Xayasia's journey was 19 days, 16 hrs, 51 min, 8 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 1 hours and 38 minutes.    Xaya said, "I want to have an Iron Man Champion on every class. So it was time for the Druid. I...

Congratulations to Dwarfster for reaching max level on a Dwarf Warlock, making her the 19th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. This is Ster’s eleventh max level champion and his first Warlock Iron Man in the Dragon Isle expansion. A total of 2 days of /played time, Dwarfster hit max level in Shadowlands, thus this was a level 60 to 70 exercise, over the course of just about a month. Dwarfster’s leveling path followed the same as other champions: loot chests in BfA...

Congratulations to Xayakiz for reaching max level and making her the 18th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Xaya’s ninth max level Dragonflight champion, with five Iron's, two Pacifists, one Working Man and one Green Man. With a total of 1 day, 14 hours and 36 minutes of /played.    Xaya said "I had never tried Goblin because I really don't like their starting area. Learning of the skip for Exile Reach gave me a chance to get one, and I...

Congratulations to Maygester for reaching max level on a Night Elf Mage, making her the 17th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge champion. This is Ster’s tenth max level champion, and the very first Mage Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion. With a total of 2 days of /played, Maygester hit max level in Shadowlands, thus this was a level 60 to 70 exercise over the course of just under a month.  Maygester’s leveling path followed the same as other champions: loot chests in BfA...

Congratulations to Priester for reaching max level, making her our 15th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. This is Ster’s eighth max level champion, and the first Priest Iron Man for Dragonflight. A total of 8 days and 4 hours of /played, Priester was born back during the Shadowlands expansion 1,790 days ago.  When asked about Priester’s leveling journey, Ster commented, "Discipline Priest was quite the challenge to level in Dragonflight. With no stealth and only a single Shadow Meld to escape daily perils,...

Congratulations to Neverluckyqt for reaching max level, making her our 14th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. Neverluckyqt’s Iron Man journey took 17 days, 11 hrs, 44 min, 10 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 9 hrs, 45 mins. This is Lirael's first max level Challenge Champion.  When asked why did you choose this challenge to play? Lirael says, "I was aware of this challenge for many years and wanted to try it, but as I don't have much free time...

Congratulations to Monkster for reaching max level, making her our 13th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion. Monkster’s Iron Man journey took 28 days, 16 hrs, 6 min, 13 sec.  This is Ster's first non-stealthy to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion, following in the steps of Elfster and Druidster. Monkster started her journey mid-March after at least one monk attempt, taking exactly one month to go from level 1 to 70 with 4...

Congratulations to Dragoniron for reaching max level, making him our 12th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion.  Dragoniron’s Iron Man journey took 46 days, 21 hrs, 0 min, 50 sec. Ironbrue gives us a breakdown of his journey with Dragoniron. "I started Dragonflight with my Level 60 Iron Man character and was doing well until Level 67. For some reason, I thought I could do the Hemet Nessingwary series of quests (he drives a wagon around about Camp Antonidas). First ones...

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