Author: Leeta

Congratulations to Xayagyxi on becoming our 4th Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Xayagyxi's Green Man journey took 95 days, 2 hrs, 25 min, 6 sec, with a /played of 1 day, 9 hrs. 50 min to complete. Xaya already has five challenge champions of Dragonflight - three Irons and two Pacifists. He says, "I like to have a champion for every challenge. I lost my Shadowlands Green Man Champion, so I had to reroll (a few times!)" What race/class/spec did you choose...

Congratulations to Raff on becoming our 3rd Dragonflight Green Man Challenge Champion! Raff's Green Man journey took 16 days, 13 hrs, 59 min, 18 sec to complete. This is Ruud's first challenge champion of Dragonflight.  Ruud says of Raff's journey, "First tried a Hunter, Feral Druid and Balance Druid without success. Problem was that I was overwhelmed by mobs in Dragonflight, and these classes have insufficient defense in my opinion against multiple mobs. So this time I tried a tanking class,...

Congratulations to Dragoniron for reaching max level, making him our 12th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion.  Dragoniron’s Iron Man journey took 46 days, 21 hrs, 0 min, 50 sec. Ironbrue gives us a breakdown of his journey with Dragoniron. "I started Dragonflight with my Level 60 Iron Man character and was doing well until Level 67. For some reason, I thought I could do the Hemet Nessingwary series of quests (he drives a wagon around about Camp Antonidas). First ones...

Congratulations to Peaceabull on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Peaceabull's Pacifist journey took 324 days, 23 hrs, 30 min, 46 sec with a /played time of 3days, 7hrs,  49 min. This is Tiber's first max level champion for Dragonflight. In Shadowlands, he did reach max level with five challenge toons.  Why did you choose this challenge to play? Tiber says, "Mostly, I just like to always have at least one Pacifist I can pop in on, and run a...

This week Leeta is back from vacation and the internet decides to be a pain. News - Congratulations to Peaceabull on becoming our 8th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion - Patch 10.0.7 is LIVE - - Monk class is available to the Goblin, Lightforged Draenei, and Worgen races - Flying in Battle for Azeroth zones no longer requires Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder. - New hair colors are available for orcs and humans. - April Fools - - FAQ Change - CAN I TRANSMOG OR USE COSMETIC ITEMS? NEW! Transmog...

Congratulations to Druidster for reaching max level, making her our 11th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion.  Ster’s Iron Man journey took 31 days, 6 hrs, 54 min, 48 sec. This is Ster’s first non-Rogue to make it to max level as an Iron Man in the Dragonflight expansion, following in the steps of Elfster and Catster.  Druidster started her journey mid February after 3 other druid attempts, taking exactly one month to go from Level 1 to 70.  Her earlier...

Congratulations to Lireana on becoming our 10th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Lireana's Iron Man journey took 463 days, 3 hrs, 23 min, 2 sec with a /played at 3 days 18 hours. This is Lireana's first max level challenge toon this expansion, and were a Shadowlands Iron Man Champion. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Lireana says "I really love Iron Man Challenge. For me it's a meditative activity, except for the moments when something goes wrong." What was your...

Congratulations to Xayarwinna on becoming our 9th Dragonflight Iron Man Challenge Champion! Xaya's Iron Man journey took 769 days, 0 hrs, 32 min, 47 sec, with leveling from 60 to70 taking about 24 hours. Xayarwinna is not Xaya's first max level challenge toon this expansion. He has 2 Iron Mans and 2 Pacifists already. Why did you choose this challenge to play? Xaya says "I had an Iron Champion of every class in Shadowlands, I'm trying to do the same in...

This week we are joined by Annette and Ferre. News - Congratulations to Ferreilean on becoming our 7th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion - Patch 10.0.7 arrives March 21st NA/22nd EU In the 10.0.7 content update, the Monk class will be available to the goblin, Lightforged draenei, and worgen races. - Darkmoon Faire Ends Saturday night (US) - Beware:  Un’Goro Madness mini-holiday is March 17-19. Challengers might want to avoid this zone during the event. - Reminder Time Change happens March 12th 2023 (US) - Freeplay...

Congratulations to Ferreilean on becoming our 7th Dragonflight Pacifist Challenge Champion! Ferreilean's Pacifist journey took 3655 days, 16 hrs, 56 min, 20 sec with a /played time of 19d 16h 43m to complete. This is Ferre's 2nd Pacifist Champion and her 4th Challenge Champion overall for Dragonflight. Her other 3 Champions are: Ferrekessaa, a Pacifist; Ferrelin and Ferrestealth are Working Man. Ferre says, "This was my very first pacifist. She is almost exactly 10 years old, having started in early March...

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