Green Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Greenblast on becoming our 10th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion! It took Rogueslayer approximately 36 days to guide Greenblast to max level. This is Rogueslayer's first ever max level challenger! Greenblast utilized the flight paths 127 times, completed 1,291 quests, and completed 22 garrison missions! Good luck with all of your challengers Rogueslayer and congratulations once again on becoming our 10th BfA Green Man champion with Greenblast!...

Congratulations to Asyjade on becoming our 9th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion! It took Asy just over 10 days with a /played time of 3 days and 11 hours to reach max level. Asyjade is Asy's third max level challenger of this expansion. He previously reached 120 with his Iron challengers Asy and Asyiron. Asy decided to level a Green Man challenger this time due to already having two max level Irons and desired to change things up a bit...

Congratulations to Ferreverdae on reaching max level and becoming our 8th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion! This challenger started their journey back in April of 2018 and took Ferre just over 838 days with a /played time of 12 days and 5 hours to reach 120. Ferreverdae is Ferre's first max level Green Man challenger and eighth max level challenger this expansion. Her other max level challengers include four Pacifists, two Working, and one Iron. Ferre approached leveling Ferreverdae by...

Congratulations to Tomîra on becoming our 7th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion! Daenerys guided Tomîra to level 120 in a /played time of 5 days, 23 hours, and 48 minutes. Tomîra is Daenery's first-ever max level challenger! Daenerys' leveling path for Tomîra went something like this: "Well, she is a Draenei. I did all of the Draenei areas including Bloodmyst Isle. Then, I went to Westfall, then Duskwood, by that time I was at level to go to Tanaris....

Congratulations to Ferrihope on reaching max level and becoming our 6th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion. Winema carefully guided Ferrihope to level 120 in approximately 71 days with a /played time of 4 days and 19 minutes. This is Winema's second max level Green Man challenger. Her first, Ferrigreen, was also the first Green Man Challenge champion ever. Reaching max level with her second Green Man turned out to be a heartbreaking journey at times but Winema knew she...

Congratulations to Xayagettarra on becoming our 5th Battle for Azeroth Green Man Challenge champion! Xaya reached max level in just under 61 days with a /played time of 2 days and 21 hours. Xaya, being one of our veteran challengers, has previously reached max level with his Iron Xayaforsi during the Pandaria expansion. That character was also the second Iron challenger to reach level 100 during the Warlords of Draenor expansion but met an unfortunate end at the start of Legion....

Congratulations to Greencell on becoming our 4th Green Man Champion of Battle for Azeroth! It took Cell 40 days with a /played time of 3 days and 18 hours to complete the challenge. Cell's leveling path covered both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. It started out in Teldrassil and Darkshore before moving on to Elwynn, Redridge, and Duskwood. He also spent some time leveling in Stranglethorn, Western Plague and Dustwallow. Questing in Dun Morogh and Loch Modan was saved for last to...

Congratulation to Jangreen on becoming our 3rd Battle for Azeroth Green Man Champion. Janglur reached level 120 on Jangreen with a /played time of 5 days and 17 hours. According to Janglur, the hardest part about playing the Green Man Challenge was making sure he did not get complacent and sloppy. The best part of playing the Green Man Challenge on a hunter for him was that he could do just about any quest that he wanted. One of his biggest scares...

Congratulations to Ferrigreenie on becoming our first ever Green Man Challenge Champion! Ferrigreenie has been playing WoW since Vanilla and was an avid raider. As WoW progressed, frustration set in with the way things were feeling easier to accomplish. Then she found WoW Challenges. She started out playing the Iron Man Challenge four or five years ago and loved it from the start. With the extra difficulties that arose when Patch 8.0 went live, Ferrigreenie decided to give the Green Man...

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