Leeta Tag

This week Ash joins us! News - We would like to extend congratulations to Xaya, Ster, and Ash on their recent max level Iron runs and to Nisey on her max level Blood. These runs are unverified. Once we are able to get them verified we'll get write-ups posted to the site. - Hallow’s End is in full swing and will run until Nov. 1st. - Patch 9.1.5 will be released on Nov.2nd for the US and Nov.3rd for the EU. More information can...

This week Asy joins us! News - Hallow’s End starts on Oct.18th and will run until Nov.1st. Remember that some zones will require you to speak to Zidormi depending on your level in order to access the candy buckets! - Thank you to everyone for your patience while we are working on getting the website sorted. The rules are still up and please keep playing. Once we get the site sorted you'll be able to add and update your characters! We'll keep you...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Kills now seem to be counting for Bloods using Chromie time regardless of location/level. - Congratulations to Ster for getting Pallyster to max level becoming our 27th Shadowlands Iron champion! - Congratulations to Jang for getting Jangpaci to max level becoming our 8th Shadowlands Pacifist champion! - Due to a gear tracking issue, no new characters will be allowed to be added to the site until the issue is resolved. No max level celebrations will...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Darkmoon returns this week. - Brewfest will end on Oct.6th. - The Running of the Gnomes 2021 will take place next Saturday, October 9th, on Scarlet Crusade US at 7pm eastern. For more information or to donate please see visit the following link: give.ccf.org/team/381506 - Congratulations to Asy on getting Asyy to max and becoming our 25th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! - Congratulations to Xaya on getting Xayavandre to max and becoming our 26th Shadowlands Iron...

This week we are joined by Tiber and Dave! News - The Harvest Festival started on Sept.17th and will run through Sept.24th - Pirate's Day starts on Sept.19th(24 hour holiday) - Brewfest starts on Sept.20th and will end on Oct.6th. - Congratulations to Soulsapped on hitting level 60! This is our 7th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty champion! - Congratulations to Harmless on hitting level 60! They are our 4th Shadowlands Pacifist champion and this is Ruse's first max level challenger! - Congratulations to Sappyboy on hitting level 60!...

This week we announce the winners of our challenger fashion show contest. Azeroth Designer of the Challenger 2021 - Grey/White Edition Entries Ferre's entry: Ferreness is a level 13 unemployed Working Man Challenge wannabe.  (She never had a chance to join the challenger list).  She doesn’t have a lot of money, so this is a bit of a bargain outfit- with all but the cloak and shoulders being vendor items. But it suits her… and her pet approves.               Azeroth Designer of the Challenger 2021...

This week we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the podcast. News - There will be no show next week on Sept.4th. - In game Trial of Style starts Aug.31st. This is NOT ALLOWED for your challengers. Leave this event for your other characters. - Darkmoon Faire will be starting Sept.5th and will run through Sept.11th. - With the new alt quality of life changes announced for Patch 9.1.5 a skip for The Maw will be introduced. We will be testing this before we allow it....

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Shortster on reaching max and becoming our 24th Iron Man Challenge champion! - Next week will be our 6th Anniversary show on Aug.28th. We will be having a Druid Dance Party during the show at Shadowglen in the Night Elf starting zone on WrA US Alliance side. - To help celebrate our anniversary we are once again having a challenger fashion show! Winners will be announced on our Sept.11th show and will...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Ferre on getting Ferriona to max level and becoming our 20th Shadowlands Iron champion! - Congratulations to Xaya on getting Xayaraylea to max and becoming our 21st Shadowlands Iron champion! - Congratulations to Ster on getting Elfster to max and becoming our 22nd Shadowlands Iron champion! - Congratulations to Nisey on getting Kneesee to max and becoming our 6th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty champion! - Congratulations to Ironbrue on reaching max level, becoming our 23rd...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Darkmoon Faire rolls back into town this week and will run from Aug. 1st to Aug.7th. - A potential issue for Pacifist rogues using Outlaw spec has been discovered. - Leeta shares the statement on the Activision/Blizzard lawsuit from the WoW Challenges Admin: In light of the recent allegations being bought against Activision/Blizzard, we want to say that we here at WoW Challenges are bitterly disappointed in a company we have always held in...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
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  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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