Leeta Tag

This week we are joined by Xaya! News - Auction House Dance Party on Wed. 7/22/20 is Not Allowed. - Grats to Hipgnotoad for reaching Level 60 with their Iron in Classic. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow Ster Discord: 'Ster (Geek Roguester#8322) Realm: WrA WoW Challenges guild Wowironman Alliance side Xaya Discord: Xaya#9661 Realm: WrA WoW Challenges guild Wowironman Alliance side   ...

This week we are joined by Cell! News - Shadowlands Beta starts this week. - Luminous Luminaires Micro holiday on Monday Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow Nisey Discord: Nisey#4863 Twitch: NiseyBGN Twitter: @NiseyBGN Cell Discord: Cell(Boen#7760) Realm: WrA Wowironman guild Alliance side   ...

This week we are joined by Ferre! News - Our Patiently Pacifist contest comes to a close. - Congrats to our winner Per0tin with his character Blamekhrys! - Congrats to our pet raffle drawing winners Pacii and Downinfront(Nisey) Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow KhrysW Discord: KhrysW#4903 Twitter: @ItsKhrysW Ferre Discord: Ferre(mareel#4849) Realm: WrA Wowironman guild Alliance side ...

This week we are joined by Ameshapa! News - Midsummer Fire Festival is in full swing! Event ends on July 5th. - Our 1st Pacifist contest Patiently Pacifist has one week to go! Anything can happen. Thank you for the great turn out for it so far! Good luck to everyone participating! For full contest details and to register your character please visit the website! - Leeta shared a PSA about recent events. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter:...

This week we are joined by Ferre! News - Our new contest Patiently Pacifist is kicking off! For full contest details and to register your character please visit the website! Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow KhrysW Discord: KhrysW#4903 Twitter: @ItsKhrysW Ferre Discord: Ferre(mareel#4849) Realm: WrA US Alliance side in the Wowironman guild   ...

This week we are joined by Frazley! News - A new contest is coming! Details will be revealed on next week's show on June 20th. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow Xortz Twitch: xortzthegoblin Twitter: xortzthegoblin Frazley Discord: Frazley#1711 Email: awesomegnome@frazley.com Instagram: instagram.com/awesomegnome Podcast: gnomepodcast.com Twitch: FrazleyS Twitter: Frazley Website: frazley.com Youtube: Frazley Sparkspan   ...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Darkmoon Faire is upon us once again! - Thousand Boat Bash has begun and will run through Monday, June 8th. There are a few quests to do but mobs do scale and two of the quests involve a fight with another mob. As always no love for the Bloods. This event involves quests so just move along. -Spreadshirt gear store will be 15% off everything Friday, June 12th through Saturday, June 13th. Contact Info You can...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Our Survival of the Fittest Contest comes to a close. 1st place winner is Lyssan with Vivalrus. - Our WoW shop pet raffle winners are Zepptimus, Xaya, Ster, and Per0tin. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Leeta Podcast: Adventures in Azeroth Twitter: @Leetawow KhrysW Discord: KhrysW#4903 Twitter: @ItsKhrysW ...

This week we did not have a guest. News - May 27th - 28th 15% off everything on our Spreadshirt site! - We are halfway through our Survival of the Fittest Iron Man Hunter contest. The contest will run until 7 pm eastern May 30th. 1st place will receive one month of game time generously donated by Ruud. For more contest details please see our contest page on the site. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server:...

This week Rogueslayer joins us! News - May 27th - 28th 15% off everything on our Spreadshirt site! - Our new Iron contest Survival of the Fittest has begun! The contest will run until 7 pm eastern May 30th. 1st place will receive one month of game time generously donated by Ruud. For more contest details please see our contest page on the site.  Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
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  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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