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The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by Rogueslayer. Rogueslayer, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. News in the World of Warcraft Professions Q & A Site News Zone Guides Upcoming Challenge Changes with Legion State of the Challengers Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook, forums and email. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Check out the show on...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by AH_SeanR. News in the World of Warcraft Midsummer Fire Festival Site News State of the Challengers AH_SeanR, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook and emails. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Stone Twitter...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by WoWMartiean from Emerald Dreamcast Podcast. News in the World of Warcraft Warcraft Movie DitchCon by PWNCast https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ditchcon2016/ditchcon-2016-pre-blizzcon-party-powered-by-pwncas Site News DK "Wonky" Message Zone Guide Creator Needed http://wowironmanchallenge.proboards.com/thread/1174/zone-guides Contest Winner State of the Challengers WoWMartiean, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook, forums, emails and Discord. Contact Info You can contact the show...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by Vrishna from CtrlAltWoW. News in the World of Warcraft May 24th Hotfixes BlizzCon Party - DitchCon by PWNCast https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ditchcon2016/ditchcon-2016-pre-blizzcon-party-powered-by-pwncas Site News Bloody Thirsty Quest Cap "Posts on the Forums" Site Guides and Stories Iron Contest June Contest? State of the Challengers Vrishna, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook. Contact Info You...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by Tarcanus Frostbourne from Looking For Roleplay Podcast. News in the World of Warcraft July 19 - Legion Leak Site News Iron Contest ALS Stream Stone Walks For ALS – https://secure.alsevents.ca/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=3315825#&panel1-1 Patreon Challenge Addon Testing State of the Challengers Tarcanus Frostbourne, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook. Contact Info You can contact the...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by Iron Veteran – Xaya. News in the World of Warcraft Dev Discussion Site News Iron Contest Up and Running New Challenge Addon 24 Hour Live Stream Stone Walks For ALS - https://secure.alsevents.ca/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=3315825#&panel1-1 State of the Challengers Xaya, Stone and Leeta discuss their week in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook, forums and emails. Contact Info You can contact the...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This week we are joined by Challenge Champion - Rogueslayer. Stone, Leeta and Rogueslayer discuss their week in World of Warcraft. News in the World of Warcraft Movie Meetup - Well Played Party Site News Blood Thirsty Quests Allowed Revisions Stone Walks For ALS https://secure.alsevents.ca/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=3315825#&panel1-1 Stone Throws Down the Guantlet State of the Challengers Iron Spotlight - IronRevenge Chit Chat Submissions from Facebook, forums...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This weeks guest is the King of the Firsts… First Iron to hit 90. First Iron to hit 100. First PETLESS Hunter Iron to hit 100. First Level 100 HORDE Iron. First Level 100 No-Dailies Iron. First Iron Warrior EVER. Lyssan! News in the World of Warcraft Children's Week Pristine Server? Site News Soulbound White/Grey Items State of the Challengers Patreon Status...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This weeks guest is Aprillian from CrtlAltWoW. News in the World of Warcraft Legion Launch Date Site News Max Level Flagging Policy Legion Leveling Patreon State of the Challenges Aprillian, Stone and Leeta discuss their weeks in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from emails and Facebook. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember...

The WoW Challenges Podcast is the podcast for keeping the community up to date with news and information for your Challenge Toons! This weeks guest is Tullibardine. News in the World of Warcraft Deaths Due to Recent DDOS Site News Killing Blows to 75% Warlords Flying Discussion State of the Challenges Report Tulli, Stone and Leeta and discuss their weeks in World of Warcraft. Chit Chat Submissions from WC forums and Facebook. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Check out the show...

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