Leeta Tag

Margothon joins us for Episode 101 to share his recent adventures in the challenges with us. We announce our new leveling contest: Eastern Kingdoms: Free For All! The contest will run from Jan.20 to Feb.3 and the prize is for a World of Warcraft mount/pet bundle graciously donated by Ulminia! We talk about Patch 7.3.5, Call of the Scarab and some changes to our discord server. Asy comes on to deliver his...

We finally hit Episode 100! It's been a wild ride and we can't wait to see what happens for the next hundred. Leeta and Stone share their adventures in the challenges and read the State of the Challengers. We also play clips from our previous 99 episodes throughout the show. Once again, we have question time with Leeta and Stone where we read questions from the community. World of Warcraft News Patch 7.3.5 is Nigh! Rule Changes Iron Teams Whoopsies Iron...

Xortz kicks off our year, joining Leeta and Stone to share his 2017 Challenger Death List highlights. We talk about our January Leveling Contest, Patch 7.3.5 Speculation, the Iron Teams Challenge and the State of the Challengers! They also chat about their week with their challenge characters, answer community questions with a new "Question Time with Leeta and Stone" segment and talk about what "The Iron Elite" is. World of Warcraft News Leveling Contest Patch 7.3.5 Speculation Iron Teams Challenge Contact Info You...

Accompanied by some of our listeners, Leeta and Stone finish the year off by reading their Challenger Death Lists. Thank you to Margothon, Rogueslayer, Ster, Nisey and Asyluun for calling in and sharing their death lists with us. We talk about Winter Veil, Iron Teams progress and a brief warning about the Antorus raid (not that you could really go in there anyway!) They also chat about their week with their challenge characters, run down this week's State of the...

The main with the most amazing pair of pants, AwesomeTrousers, joins Stone and Leeta on the show this week. We talk about Patch 7.3.5, Iron Rules changes, Iron Teams progress and a bit about the next contest. They also chat about their week with their challenge characters, run down this week's State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Patch 7.3.5 after holidays Iron Rule changes Iron Team Challenge Update Contest Ask Contact Info You can contact the...

Our newest Pacifist Champion, Ferre, joins Stone and Leeta to share her four-year journey, finally reaching Level 110 as a Pacifist challenger. We talk about Patch 7.3.5, Darkmoon Faire and progress on the Iron Team challenge.  They chat about their week with their challenge characters, run down this week's State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Patch 7.3.5 on PTR Darkmoon Faire Iron Team Challenge Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check...

This will be a short episode this week as it was not really recorded live. Stone talks about Pilgrim's Bounty, the WoW 13th Anniversary event, the new Iron Teams challenge progress and we have Mrs.Stone and Bozo#2 to read the State of the Challengers. The recording can be found through patreon: the video will be up in the Patrons video list in a week or you can just go look at the VoD on Twitch. World of Warcraft News Pilgrim's Bounty ...

This week Aprillian joins Stone and Leeta to share her recent adventures in World of Warcraft. We talk about Pilgrim's Bounty and the WoW 13th Anniversary event. The new Iron Teams challenge rules are also discussed. They also chat about their week with their challenge characters and as always run down the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions. World of Warcraft News Pilgrim's Bounty WoW 13th Anniversary Iron Team Challenge Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re...

This week Broximar joins Stone and Leeta to share his Challenge adventures. We also hear about their week with their challenge characters. And as always we run down the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions....

This week Leeta is joined by Nisey and Ster for the WoW Challenges Podcast! We catch up with Stone LIVE at BlizzCon as well as chat about new things coming and talk about how our week in WoW went. As always we check out the State of the Challengers and respond to community questions....

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