Leeta Tag

This week we did not have a guest! News - Congratulations to Ironmanic on becoming our 48th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! - The Darkmoon Faire is back in town this week. - Midsummer Fire Festival will be wrapping up on the morning of July 5th. - There is talking on WoWHead of Patch 9.2.7 but no date has been announced as of yet. - If you are interested in being part of our Dragonflight alpha/beta testing teams please reach out ASAP. - On July 4th everything will...

This week we are joined by Ferre, KhrysW, and Nisey! News - Congratulations to Ferre on getting to max with Ferreh becoming our 21st Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion! - Congratulations to Nisey on getting to max with Soulsurvivor becoming our 12th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Challenge champion! - Midsummer Fire Festival is in full swing and will run until July 5th. - Pre-orders are now available for digital copies of Dragonflight. - Pre-orders are now available for physical collector editions of Dragonflight. - A new battle pet is...

This week we are joined by Nisey! News - Midsummer Fire Festival ignites on the 21st and will blaze through to July 5th. An updated post on this event will be available by late afternoon on the 21st. - Next week's show is #300! Get your booty to the bay for our dance party celebration on WrA NA! We'll be meeting up in Booty Bay to dance the night away on the roof of the building near the Horde flight point! Send in...

This week we are joined by KhrysW and Tiber! News - Congratulations to Xayapelli on becoming our 20th Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion! - Shadowlands patch 9.2.5 is now live. - Darkmoon Faire June 5th - 11th - Thousand Boat Bash June 6th - 8th - A rule adjustment has been made. No dungeons, raids, world bosses, arenas, or battlegrounds are allowed. World bosses were added to the exclusion list due to them counting as raid bosses upon testing. - If you are interested in being part of...

This week we are joined by Ferre. News - Congratulations to Mybloodysoul on becoming our 11th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Challenge champion! - Shadowlands patch 9.2.5 drops on June 1st. - If you are interested in being part of our Dragonflight Alpha, Beta, or PTR testing teams please reach out to us ASAP. We need to get our list of testers in order. - In 3 more episodes, we hit Show 300! This should be on June 25th. Send in your tips, jokes, and puns. If...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Noharmdone on reaching max level and becoming our 18th Pacifist Challenge champion of Shadowlands! - Congratulations to Notengoleche on reaching max level and becoming our 47th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! Would the owner of this challenger please contact us we have some questions we’d like to ask you! - Congratulations to Tiber on getting Sneakee to max becoming our 19th Shadowlands Pacifist champion! - If you are interested in being part of our...

This week we are joined by Nisey. News -  This week we go over some of our most asked questions. Here is the link to our FAQ page on our website. - For those looking for the addon HideTalentAlert addon it can be found here. - A new social contract has appeared on the PTR server. - Spreadshirt promo in our gear store: Free standard shipping May 11th - May 16th. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check...

This week we are joined by KhrysW. News - Congratulations to our 41st through 45th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champions: Ironbrû, Ironbroo, Irondru, Ironage, and Ironbro. - Congratulations to our 46th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion Varenir. We are trying to get ahold of the owner of this challenger. If you are listening could you please contact us so we can get some information for your write up. - Children's Week wraps up on Monday the 9th. - Some things have moved around and added...

Congratulations to Pacileeta on becoming our 15th Shadowlands Pacifist Challenge champion! Pacileeta's Pacifist Challenge journey took 1,207 days and 11 hours, with a /played time coming in at just over 9 days. Due to this challenger reaching champion status during the Battle for Azeroth expansion, we were able to estimate her /played time through Shadowlands to be just over 1 day. Leeta created Pacileeta back in November of 2018. This is her only challenger to reach max level in both the...

This week we are joined by Ferre and Nisey. News - Congratulations to Ferrekyyri on reaching max level and becoming our 40th Shadowlands Iron Man champion. - Congratulations to Downinfront on reaching max level and becoming our 16th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Congratulations to Lantanna on reaching max level and becoming our 17th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Noblegarden wraps up on Monday the 25th. - Volunteer Guard Day is on Thursday the 28th that’s an all day event so best that all challengers avoid the major...

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