WoW Challenges Podcast

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Ster on getting Trollster to max level and becoming our 16th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! - Congratulations to Jang on getting JanglurC to max level and becoming our 17th Shadowlands Iron Man champion - Congratulations to Xaya on reaching max level with two characters; Xayaztra and Xayarylin. That makes those two our 18th and 19th Shadowlands Iron champions. - Possible new bugs have been observed with Patch 9.1. Use extreme caution while completing the...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congratulations to Xaya for getting Xayatheria to max level and becoming our 15th Shadowlands Iron Man champion! - Congratulations to Nisey on getting Soulstoned to max level and becoming our 4th Shadowlands Blood Thirsty Champion! - Burning Crusade Classic is now live! - Thousand Boat Bash starts on June 6th and runs through June 8th. - Darkmoon Faire starts on June 6th. - Midsummer Fire Festival begins on June 21st and ends July 5th. There will be...

This week we Ster, Ferre, Xaya, and Nisey join us for a round table discussion. Our topic is "I'm level 50, now what?" News - Pre-Patch for the Burning Crusade Classic is now live. Burning Crusade Classic will fully launch on June 1st. - Our list of challenge friendly guilds has now been updated on our site. - Congratulations to Maygest and Ironmaster our 12th & 13th Shadowlands Iron champions! - Congratulations to Lujma our 14th Shadowlands Iron champion! - Iron safe world quest list can...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Next week's show will be a round table discussion. The topic will be "I'm level 50, now what?" If you have any questions you'd like to submit to our panel please send them to the podcast's email: You can also submit your questions through Twitter DM, Facebook DM or give them to our mods and they will get them to us. - Spreadshirt promo in our gear store for 20% off everything...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Darkmoon Faire starts this weekend. - Children's Week starts on May 3rd and will wrap up on May 10th. - For those who were having trouble listing their characters to the Iron, Blood Thirsty, and Pacifist challenges due to the Blizzard API bug please retry. We’ve had a few people who have been able to add new characters recently. - The 1 million dollar stretch goal for Blizzard's Charity donation choice of Doctors Without Borders...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to Ferre on getting Ferrenyys to 60 and becoming our 4th Shadowlands Pacifist champion. - Possible API data bug. Thread to report your character not updating or not being found in the armory on Blizzard's bug forums can be found here. - Patch 9.1 is coming - If you have a favorite recipe Leeta and Eexecute would love it if you would share it with them. Sweet or savory doesn't matter. You can send...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to Ster on getting Hunterster to 60 and becoming our 10th Shadowlands Iron champion. - Noblegarden will be wrapping up on April 12th. - Possible API data bug. Thread to report your character not updating or not being found in the armory on Blizzard's bug forums can be found here. - Gear store promo: 15% off everything April 14th through April 18th. Contact Info You can contact the show by email – We’re on Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord...

This week we did not have a guest. News - Congrats to Nisey on getting Soulshield to 60 and becoming our 3rd Shadowlands Blood Thirsty champion. - Noblegarden will be starting on April 5th. - The WoW Charity Pet Program has reached its first donation goal of $500,000. This unlocks the pet Bananas. You will need to go into the shop and claim him if you want him. Daisy the sloth will unlock if $1 million in donations are received. If you'd like to...

This week we are joined by Tiber! News - The WoW Charity Pet Program for this year has begun. This year's charity that will be donated to is Doctors Without Borders. Bananas will unlock once $500,000 dollars have been donated and Daisy will unlock once $1,000,000 have been donated. - We are updating our challenger friendly guild list on our website. If you have a challenger friendly guild or challenger friendly rank in your guild ( no guild bank repairs/no guild bank access)...

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  1. Your character must be Level 10 or higher.
  2. You enable your 'Display Only Character Achievements to Others'.
  3. Log Out of your character. THEN Exit WoW.
  4. You must not have already broken the rules

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