Green Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Mightnorn on becoming our 1st Green Man Challenge champion of Dragonflight and our 1st challenge champion overall for this new expansion! Mightnorn's Green Man journey took 1 day, 21 hours, and 28 minutes with a /played time of 21 hours and 19 minutes to complete. Mightnorn is Norn's 1st max level challenger of Dragonflight but not their 1st challenge champion. "...

Congratulations to Ferrerin on becoming our 14th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Ferrerin's Green Man journey took 954 days, 3 hours, and 47 minutes with a /played time of 6 days, 11 hours, and 6 minutes to complete! Ferrerin is Ferre's 2nd Shadowlands Green Man champion and her 18th challenge champion this expansion! Her other champions are spread out across the Iron Man, Pacifist, and Working Man challenges. Ferre chose the Green Man Challenge this time out because she's always loved playing...

Congratulations to Illtakecare on becoming our 13th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Illtakecare's Green Man journey took 14 days, 23 hours, and 42 minutes with a /played time of 23 hours and 11 minutes to complete. Illtakecare is Dave's second challenger to reach max level during Shadowlands. "...

Congratulations to Ferrelythana on becoming our 12th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Ferrelythana's Green Man journey took 730 days, 5 hours, and 4 minutes with a /played time of 2 days, 20 hours, and 49 minutes to complete. Ferrelythana is Ferre's 1st Green Man champion of Shadowlands and her 17th challenge champion overall. Her other champions include Irons, Pacifists, and Working Man challengers. Ferre chose to play the Green Man Challenge this time out because she wanted to see how much a...

Congratulations to Mebee on becoming our 11th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Mebee's Green Man journey took 9 days, 19 hours, and 12 minutes with a /played time of 17 hours and 20 minutes to complete. Mebee is Dave the Hunter/Dave the Hooker's first-ever max level challenge champion! "I have had others that have made max level, but I had used Heirloom gear and such which naturally disqualifies it from any challenge." What made Dave pick the Green Man Challenge? "Honestly, I...

Congratulations to Greenpew on becoming our 10th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Greenpew's Green Man journey took 90 days, 9 hours, and 20 minutes to complete. Unfortunately, we were unable to make contact with Ameshapa to obtain the details of Greenpew's Green Man journey. We would like to wish Ameshapa the best of luck with any future challenger attempts and congratulations once again on Greenpew becoming our 10th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion!...

Congratulations to Asyg on becoming our 5th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Asyg's Green Man journey took approximately 11 days and 23 hours to complete. Asy declined to provide any details about Asyg's journey. However, this is not his 1st Green Man to reach champion status. If you'd like to know more about his approach to the Green Man Challenge, feel free to check out the post on his Green Man Asygrn! Good luck with the other challengers you are working on...

Congratulations to Tomîra on becoming our 4th Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Tomîra's Green Man journey has taken 927 days, 12 hours, and 7 minutes with an overall /played time of 6 days and 20 hours to complete. Having previously reached Green Man champion status at level 120, we were able to estimate Tomîra's leveling time for Shadowlands (50 - 60) as 1 day and 17 hours.  Tomîra is Daenerys' 1st challenger to reach max level for this expansion. She was...

Congratulations to Asygrn on becoming our 3rd Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Asygrn's Green Man journey took 8 days, 17 hours, and 37 minutes with a /played time of 1 day and 22 hours to complete. This is Asy's 1st Green Man challenger of Shadowlands to reach max level and his 2nd champion over all this expansion. His first was an Iron named Asyy. Asy chose to play the Green Man Challenge this time out because he wants to have a max...

Congratulations to Xayagalian on becoming our 1st Shadowlands Green Man Challenge champion! Xayagalian's Green Man journey took 93 days with a /played time of 1 day, 17 hours, and 32 minutes to complete. While this challenger is Xaya's 1st Green Man champion of this expansion, it is not his first to reach max level during Shadowlands. Xayagalian brings his total number of champions for Shadowlands to 13. Xaya chose to play the Green Man Challenge this time out because the Green Man...

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