Iron Man Victors Tag

Congratulations to Ferriona on becoming our 20th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Ferriona's Iron Man journey overall has taken 3,020 days with a /played time of 55 days, 13 hours, and 46 minutes. This challenger had previously made it to 120 which brings her Shadowlands /played time to 18 days, 14 hours, and 26 minutes. Ferriona is Ferre's first Iron champion and her 4th max level challenger for Shadowlands. Her other max level challengers include Rogue Pacifist, a Rogue Workingman, and...

Congratulations to Xayaztra and Xayarylin on becoming our 18th and 19th Shadowlands Iron champions! Xayaztra's Iron journey took just under 31 days to complete with a /played time of 2 days, 6 hours, and 37 minutes. Xayaztra is Xaya's 4th Iron champion this expansion. This time around Xaya changed things up opting to make Xayaztra a Troll Warlock. "No Shadowmeld definitely changes lots of things. I tried Destro and turned out it goes well for challenges. Lost at least 2 before...

Congratulations to Janglurc on becoming our 17th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Janglurc has clocked in a total of 420 days and 19 hours of playtime with an in-game /played time of 7 days, 19 hours, and 17 minutes. However, having previously made it to 120, Janglurc's /playtime for Shadowlands comes in at roughly 1 day and 9 hours. While this is his first challenger to reach max level for Shadowlands, Jang is no stranger to the victor's podium. He reached...

Congratulations to Trollster on becoming our 16th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Trollster's Iron Man journey to max level took just under 30 days with a /played time of 5 days and 8 hours. Ster branched out this time and leveled a Horde character. Since he only plays on the Alliance side with his challengers this was a big change for him. His biggest challenge this run that brought about some near misses and may have involved some emergency armor cleaning...

Congratulations to Xayatheria on becoming our 15th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Xayatheria completed their Iron Man journey in just over 37 days with a /played time of 2 days, 12 hours, and 17 minutes. Xaya is no stranger to the victor's podium. He's had many max level challengers over the years. His most recent challenge victors this expansion being his 2 Irons Xayarwinna, Xayasky, and his Pacifist Xayaparo. After reaching 60 with his Iron Warrior, Xaya decided to try leveling an...

Congratulations to Lujma on becoming our 14th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Lujma completed their Iron Man journey in just 11 days with a /played time of just 2 days, 3 hours, and 33 minutes. Lujma is Majlu's first Iron challenger to reach max level. "I started in BfA with the challenge but didn't make it to max level. And now a guild member came across the challenge. They had never tried it before but challenged me, who already died a...

Congratulations to Maygester and Ironmaster on becoming our 12th and 13th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champions! This brings Ster's total number of max level Shadowlands Iron challengers to 8 so far this expansion. [caption id="attachment_17805" align="alignright" width="118"] Maygester[/caption] Maygester started their Iron Man journey just before the launch of the Battle for Azeroth expansion during the pre-launch event. This journey was completed in just over 194 days with a /played time of 3 days and 10 hours. Overall, Ster thinks it took...

Congratulations to Priester on becoming our 11th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! This is Ster's 6th max level Iron so far this expansion. Priester started their Iron Man journey just before the launch of the Battle for Azeroth expansion during the pre-launch event. This journey was completed in just over 1,017 days with a /played time of 5 days and 1 hour. Overall, Ster thinks it took him approximately 2 months to go from level 50 to 60. With Priest being a...

Congratulations to Hunterster on reaching max level and becoming our 10th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Hunterster's total playtime comes in at just over 33 days with a /played time of 4 days. When asked why he chose to play a Hunter this time out, Ster said "I created this hunter a little over a month ago, with the goal of enjoying the assistance of a pet. My favorite pet has to be Arcturis, the spirit bear found near Amberpine Lodge....

Congratulations to Monkster for reaching max level, making them our 9th Shadowlands Iron Man Challenge champion! Monkster's total playtime comes in at just over 128 days with a /played time of 5 days. Ster is one of our challenge veterans. He has reached max level with several characters over the course of many expansions. Monkster is Ster's 4th Iron and 5th overall challenger to reach max level this expansion. Ster has been on a roll lately with his Iron challengers. Playing different...

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