Leeta Tag

Ceraphus joins us this week to talk about Con Before the Storm and all the effort that gets put in to make it such a successful event. We also talk about lessons learned from this year's 24-hour live stream. We talk about TotalBiscuit, Con Before the Storm, DitchCon, Lagging Balls BlizzCon Ticket Giveaway and Glowcap Festival. Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Total Biscuit :( Con Before...

This week we are joined by Spoonie the Bard! He tells us how he discovered the challenges and had an accidental run-in with his Iron Teammate Taco. We talk about Con Before the Storm, DitchCon, no CTR Party, War Mode Scaling effects, Custom Contest changes, Teams Account Deletion, a new Spreadshirt code and Stone's Walk for ALS. Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Con Before the Storm Ditchcon ...

Please note from this episode forward we'll be dropping the "CLEAN" tag from the show.  Belle, Queen of Pwncast, Ruler of Ditchcon, joins us this week to tell us all about her experience in WoW, what brought her into the game and where she's at now. We talk about the Ditchcon Kickstarter (SOOOOOOON), Con Before the Storm, BlizzCon Ticket Sales, War Mode Rewards and how they relate to the challenges.  Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read...

Xortz joins us this week to talk about HIS PACIFIST (WHAT????) and his adventures in the Iron Teams challenge. For news we cover Con Before the Storm, Site Changes, Blood Thirsty TEAMS Rule change, and our Walk for ALS 24-hour Stream. Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Con Before the Storm Site Changes Blood Thirsty TEAMS rule change Walk for ALS 24-hour stream Contact Info You can contact the...

We are joined by Ashayo! He talks about his Pacifist Challenger and how levelling with mining and herbing is going now since Patch 7.3.5. We talk about the news: Rogue Rumble contest, BfA Beta and site changes. Leeta and Nisey share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Rogue Rumble Contest - Congrats to Shinari BfA Beta Website Changes Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show...

We are joined by Leila and Turwinkle! They cover all their Iron Teams adventures and discuss poor John's unfortunate decision to jump off the zeppellin.  WHY, JOHN, WHY?? We talk about the news: Con Before the Storm Kickstarter, No XP Buff for World PvP Flagging, Rogue Rumble contest, Blood Thirsty Kills adjustment, status of the new Blood Thirsty Teams and Green Man challenge. Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of...

Rogueslayer joins us tonight, sharing with us her escapades in the challenges since the patch dropped. We announce details for the Rogue Rumble, our 2-week Iron leveling contest. We also cover the BlizzCon announcement and ticket sales dates as well as a potential new Green-Man challenge.  Leeta and Stone share their challenge adventures this week and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Rogue Rumble Contest BlizzCon Announced Green-Man Challenge Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re...

Finally! We get our first Triple Crown Challenge Champion, Neverdied, to join us and impart his wisdom upon us all. We talk about Battle for Azeroth release date announced, the Xorothian Cultists have begun channeling again and a new Leveling Contest is announced. Leeta and Stone share their adventures in the challenges and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Battle for Azeroth Release Date Announced Xorothian Cultists Leveling Contest Announced Spreadshirt Discount until April 10: 15FORYOU Contact Info You...

Ster joins Leeta and Stone this week as our guest and shares his insights into leveling post-Patch 7.3.5. Leeta and Stone share their adventures in the challenges and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News BlizzCon Announcement (Not Really) Darkmoon Faire March of the Tadpoles Noblegarden Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges Ster Discord - Geek Roguester Leeta Twitter – @LeetaWoW Podcasts:- Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the Avatar Stone Twitter – @StoneGrasp Podcast...

FiveIron joins Leeta and Nisey this week as our guest and shares his knowledge and adventures with the Pacifist Challenge as well as the Blood Thirsty Challenge. Leeta and Nisey share their adventures in the challenges and read the State of the Challengers. World of Warcraft News Alpha Stat Squish Contact Info You can contact the show by email – podcast@wowchallenges.com We’re on Facebook.com/WoWChallenges Twitter: @WoWChallenges Discord server: discord.WoWChallenges.com Check out the show on YouTube.com/WoWChallenges1 And remember to come catch us LIVE at Twitch.tv/WoWChallenges FiveIron Discord - Fiveiron Nisey Twitter - @NiseyBGN Leeta Twitter – @LeetaWoW Podcasts:- Adventures in Azeroth, Behind the...

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