Pacifist Victors

Congratulations to Khrys on getting Pacifist to 120 and becoming our 12th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! This is Khrys' first ever max level challenger! Khrys reached max level on Pacifist in under 687 days with a /played of 7 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes.Ā  "Yes!Ā  This is the first pacifist I ever made.Ā  I started her in September of 2018 and itā€™s been a slow but absolutely delightful journey getting her to 120." Khrys says "Pacifist began her journey before...

Congratulations to Passoneseven on becoming our 11th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! Mrmacman guided Passoneseven to max level in just under 108 days with a /played time of 6 days, 3 hours, and 56 minutes. This is also Mrmacman's first ever max level challenger! Getting started with the Pacifist Challenge can be a little tricky since the gathering professions do not become available until level 5. Mrmacman shared how he got started with us. "I chose to explore and do non-killing...

Congratulation to Silentherber on becoming our 10th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! While this is not his first challenger, it is his first Pacifist to reach max level. His previous challengers used the "Dvor" affix but he decided that was bad luck since they all died tragically. When asked about his leveling strategy, Silent said he took a VERY slow leveling path (almost 4 and a half years), though the time spent in-game (his /played) was actually quite minimal being...

Congratulations to Ferreskyye on becoming our 9th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! Ferreskyye reached max level with a /played time of 7 days and 23 hours. This is Ferre's 3rd Pacifist to reach level 120 and her second Rogue. "She was intended to be a replacement for a mage pacifist who met an untimely demise, but apparently my finger slipped on the create screen and by the time I realized it, she was in game insisting that she was in-fact...

Congratulations to Nacelles on becoming our 8th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge champion! Cell reached max level with a /played time of 5 days and 11 hours. Not every challenger follows the same path, so how did Cell go about guiding Nacelles to max level? "With the exception of WoD, I always hunted down paci safe quests, but there aren't that many that aren't gate locked into quest chains, so questing XP was minimal." For levels 10 through 60 Cell parked...

Congratulations to Fivechesty on becoming our 7th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge Champion. Fivechesty is Fiveiron's 3rd Pacifist challenger to reach max level this expansion. This run was completed in 491 days with a /played time of 4 days and 23 hours. Fivechesty was also been listed on the Iron & Blood Thirsty Challenge lists but was yellow flagged due to not meeting those challenges requirements. Fivechesty managed to reach max level without turning in any quests or having any primary...

Congratulations to Pacileeta on becoming our 6th Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Challenge Champion. This is our very own Leeta's 1st ever max level challenger. Pacileeta's journey to max level lasted 498 days and 16 hours which worked out to a /played time of a little over 8 days. Leeta started this character back in November of 2018 when the Pilgrim's Bounty and WoW's 14th Anniversary events were occurring. There was lots of XP up for grabs making it a great...

Congratulations to Fivepride on becoming our newest Pacifist Challenge champion! This is also Five's second Pacifist to reach max level this expansion.Ā  Fivepride was an immediate re-roll of a level 68 Pacifist monk that met an unfortunate end during last year's Lunar Festival. In the ten days of the played time it took to reach max level, Five decided to change up his playstyle by doing more gathering and less Archeology. Utilizing his monk's Zen Flight enabled him to gather while...

Ferrekessa - a Night Elf Rogue (subtlety) Pacifist, just hit max level after playing 22 days. Born in April of 2018, took 315 days to reach Max Level. Her path to 120 had four main sections as seen below: Level 10 - 62 Herbalism and Mining, with some exploration: starter zones, Darkshore, Zoram Strand in Ashenvale (a long time there), and Dreamer's Rest in Feralas (for a long time). Holidays. Very minimal archaeology (safe sites only). Level 62 - 90 Added archaeology, picking lower...

Congratulation to Ferreilean on becoming our third Battle for Azeroth Pacifist Champion! Starting her Druid back in March of 2013, it took Ferre approximately 2,028 days to reach max level (a /played time of 18 days). Ferre likesĀ to use Archeology to help level her Pacifists as we well know from the last time she was on the show for Ep. 130 "Ferre Digs It". Ferreilean is her first character to obtain the title of Professor! Level 115 brought a heart-stoppingĀ moment when flying...

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